ESG Association of Malaysia would like to advise that any use, adoption, implications, or inferences of, or references to ESG Association of Malaysia, as well as any reproduction of the ESG Association logo in any form and media, is strictly prohibited unless with the express written permission and approval of the ESG Association of Malaysia Council. No person is allowed to hold him/herself out as being associated, affiliated, or connected with the ESG Association of Malaysia and/or authorized or endorsed by ESG Association of Malaysia when this is not the case.

The unauthorized use of the ESG Association of Malaysia name and/or logo in any form and manner constitutes trademark infringement, copyright infringement, and/or the tort of passing off. ESG Association of Malaysia will not hesitate to pursue legal actions against anyone who fails to comply with the above.

Kindly contact ESG Association of Malaysia directly to inform the authenticity of any messages and correspondences bearing ESG Association of Malaysia’s name and/or logo that you may have received or come across. ESG Association of Malaysia will NOT be responsible for the unauthorized use of the ESG Association of Malaysia name and logo and any misrepresentation resulting therefrom.